同类产品中最强大的主动备轮井低音炮之一!实心MDF木柜,特别开发的涂层,彻底坚固。由具有300 W RMS的ETON AM300放大器模块和强大的250 mm(10”)Move M10扁平低音炮底盘提供动力,具有扁平尺寸但完全隐蔽的高电平输入,低电平输入,电平遥控,自动感应功能,启停功能合适,包括安装附件。德国制造。
Product features
The test winner - powerful bass for everyone! Our powerhouse convinces with the quality workmanship with robust hammered varnish and the solid MDF wood construction, the heavy-duty metal grille and the extremely powerful 250 mm (10") MOVE M10 Flat dual voice coil subwoofer with 2x2 Ohm impedance. The stiffened and impregnated paper diaphragm is driven by a strong ferrite magnet with a large core hole for optimal cooling. The subwoofer chassis is powered by the integrated AM300 active module, this provides an incredible 300 W RMS at 4 ohms and has high-level and low-level inputs and offers the possibility of phase rotation 0 ° / 180 °, low-pass filter 40 - 100 Hz. A high efficiency of 87 dB and the extensive installation accessories for easy and fixed mounting convince! Incl. installation accessories and level remote control. 575 x 150 mm (DxH). Engineered in Germany.