专为欧宝Adam(2013年起)、Ampera(2012年起)、Astra J(2009年起)、卡斯卡达(2013年起)、Insignia(2009年起)、Meriva(2010年至2014年)、Zafira Tourer(2012年起)以及雪佛兰迈锐宝(2009年起)和别克卡斯卡达(2013年起)设计的即插即用双路前系统。165毫米(6.5英寸)低音炮,带有专用的玻璃纤维增强聚酰胺篮,带密封法兰和专用的车辆连接端子,以及欧宝典型的篮设计,可在车辆中进行无损,集成和可逆安装。低音炮/中档驱动器配备了一个强铁氧体磁铁,在底板上也有一个大的芯孔,这提供了必要的冷却。玻璃纤维纸夹层膜发挥了极其动态和充分保暖的作用。封闭的25毫米铝制高音与低音/中音完美协调,这是一个拥有一切的单元!铝制高音喇叭根据车辆的声学特性进行了特别调整,并配备了钕磁铁。3欧姆阻抗确保即使在工厂收音机/头单元时也能保持高效率,50 W RMS/80 W音乐功率处理,89 dB特征声压,包括高品质高音膜电容器。制造与开发德国制造。
Product features
Specially tuned plug and play 2-way front system suitable for the Opel Adam (from 2013), Ampera (from 2012), Astra J (from 2009), Cascada (from 2013), Insignia (from 2009), Meriva (2010 - 2014), Zafira Tourer (from 2012) and Chevrolet Malibu (from 2009) and Buick Cascada (from 2013). 165 mm (6.5") woofer with vehicle-specific, glass-fiber reinforced polyamide basket with sealing flange and vehicle-specific connection terminals as well as Opel typical basket design for non-destructive, integrated and reversible installation in the vehicle. The woofer / midrange driver is equipped with a strong ferrite magnet and also with a large core hole in the base plate, this provides the necessary cooling. The fiberglass-paper sandwich membrane plays extremely dynamic and full warm. The enclosed 25 mm aluminum tweeter harmonizes perfectly with the woofer / midrange, a unit that has it all! The aluminum tweeters were specially tuned to the acoustic properties in the vehicle and are equipped with a neodymium magnet. 3 Ohm impedance ensure high efficiency even at the factory radio / head unit, 50 W RMS / 80 W music power handling, 89 dB characteristic sound pressure, including high-quality tweeter film capacitor. Manufacture and development Made in Germany.