195毫米(8“)即插即用脚井低音炮设置梅赛德斯-奔驰左手驾驶模型。特别设计的footwell低音炮完全适合安装位置,这要归功于精密配合玻璃纤维增强聚酰胺连接法兰。极其坚硬的手工涂布纸膜片由强大的钕磁铁发射,大芯孔提供必要的冷却。坚固的金属格栅保护低音炮免受损坏。原来的梅赛德斯-奔驰阻尼羊毛可以安装在扬声器后面即插即用。巨大而厚重的音圈,加上极其稳定的纸振膜和强大的钕磁铁,造就了一款气势磅礴的低音炮!球棍般坚硬的低音敲击,最好的动态和每一级的脉冲保真度。即使在系列收音机/耳机上也有2欧姆的阻抗。如果在原始设备变体中只安装一个低音炮,建议使用UG MB SCC连接第二个低音炮。制造和开发德国制造。即插即用型低音炮套件,包括两个经过专门调谐的低音炮,配有玻璃纤维增强聚酰胺法兰和抗扭金属篮筐,以及风干的手工涂层纸质膜片。适用于各种奔驰左舵车型。德国制造。
Product features
195 mm (8") Plug and Play footwell subwoofer set for Mercedes-Benz left-hand drive models. The specially designed footwell subwoofers fit perfectly into the mounting locations thanks to the precision fit glass fiber reinforced polyamide connection flanges. The extremely hard, hand-coated paper diaphragm is fired by a powerful neodymium magnet, a large core bore provides the necessary cooling. A sturdy metal grille protects the subwoofer from damage. The original Mercedes-Benz damping wool can be installed behind the speaker plug and play. The large, heavy-duty voice coil together with the extremely stable paper diaphragm and the powerful neodymium magnet result in a subwoofer that packs a punch! Bludgeon-hard bass hits, dynamics at its finest and impulse fidelity at every level. Thanks to the 2 Ohm impedance even on the series radio / headunit. The UG MB SCC is recommended for connecting the 2nd subwoofer, should only one subwoofer be installed in the original equipment variant. Manufacture and development Made in Germany.